Revolutionising Employee Orientation and Job Training

Employee orientation and job training has become more important than ever to attract and retain employees. With the rise of remote and hybrid work, companies must adapt and innovate to keep ahead. It’s becoming increasingly important for organisations to evaluate their current onboarding and job training processes. 

Clear Objectives 

Before thinking about hiring new employees, it’s crucial to understand what the objectives are for the orientation and job training process – the key competencies and skills required to complete the job. Consider the company’s expectations around employee performance and integration with their team. By having clear goals, it will help guide the development or restructuring of the onboarding process. 

Onboarding Processes

It’s critical to understand that all employees are different, so not all employee orientation or job training processes will be the same. It can depend on job roles, departments or locations, which means the new hire’s needs can vary.

There are many ways organisations can develop their employee orientation processes, including: 

  • Use gamification techniques to drive new hires to understand and adapt to the company’s culture quickly. 
  • Foster connections with other team members; this can be through a buddy system  (so they have a point of contact for their first few weeks) or a mentoring scheme. 
  • Offer a digital welcome kit to all new hires with essential information, policies, and resources to help them in their first weeks with the company. 
  • Provide video introductions of their team - this is especially useful for hybrid or remote teams where they rarely (or never) share the same space. 

Organisations can emphasise good team dynamics that benefit the onboarding process. This will also benefit team efficiency in the long run. 

Benefits of Revolutionising Onboarding:

  • Increased Employee Engagement:

A well-thought-out employee orientation process contributes to higher employee engagement. When employees feel supported and informed from day one, they are more likely to be invested in their work and the company's success.

  • Faster Time to Productivity:

Personalised and efficient job training plans accelerate the time for new hires to become fully productive - benefitting the organisation and boosting the confidence and satisfaction of employees.

  • Improved Retention Rates:

Employees who have a positive employee orientation and job training experience are more likely to stay with the organisation in the long run. This improved retention rate saves organisations the costs associated with turnover and recruitment.

  • Cost of Onboarding

Employee turnover can negatively impact retention – direct replacements can cost up to 50% of the annual position salary. That’s a considerable cost, given that 23% of new hires leave the role before reaching a year into the job. Providing an onboarding experience that makes new hires feel excited, welcome, and committed could reduce the risk of them leaving the role later on. 

Valuable onboarding experiences are essential when bringing people into the organisation. After all, they will be the first experience new hires have with the business — providing them with engaging and insightful information will only ever be a positive. Planning and reflection are vital to make onboarding a success for everyone involved.