The Power of Short-Form Content: TikTok-Style Learning

Traditional learning methods are changing to meet the needs of tech-savvy individuals who are busy and frequently on the move. TikTok has not only revolutionised social media but has paved the way for a new approach to training. Using TikTok-style content in a learning environment has many benefits—bite-sized learning links to microlearning principles and increased motivation and engagement. Communications training and employee empowerment can both benefit significantly from this innovative approach.

So, what are the benefits of using TikTok-style learning in the workplace? 

  1. Increased Engagement 

Given how busy people are, short-form learning can help increase engagement. Making learning fun, engaging, and concise is transformative. People might not have lots of time, but they definitely have 5 minutes to watch a video. Reports show that microlearning creates 50% more engagement. Convenience is vital, especially for communications training, where quick, digestible content can reinforce essential skills and knowledge.

  1. Gen Z Learning 

This age demographic has mostly turned its back on traditional learning methods, as 54% believe their education has prepared them for the future.  Individuals learn new things from TikTok in their spare time. Why shouldn’t this interest be transferred to work? Using TikTok-style content for communications training can make the learning process more appealing and relevant for younger employees, fostering greater employee empowerment.

TikTok For Education

When TikTok first appeared, many dismissed the platform as a dance app or a fleeting gimmick. However, TikTok gets more traffic than Google, making it challenging to ignore.

TikTok promotes education with hashtags such as #LearnOnTikTok and #EduTok. Countdown’s Rachel Riley gives maths tips, and actor Sean Sager provides acting lessons. Providing information in short and engaging bursts means there’s a masterclass in pretty much anything. If employees already use TikTok to learn, employers providing relevant, exciting content suitable for professional development makes complete sense. This is particularly effective for communications training, which often requires regular refreshers and updates.

So, why should Tiktok-style videos be used in L&D?

 #LearnOnTikTok has over 282.8 billion views – the demand for short-form education is undeniable. According to the Journal of Applied Psychology, studies show that microlearning is 17% more effective than traditional learning methods. 

Students can quickly go back and refresh their learning quickly and complete it efficiently during ‘dead’ time. Employers can deliver convenient learning at the point of need. Research shows that 94% of learners prefer microlearning because they’re able to juggle the demands of the job role better. 

Microlearning can cover most topics, including communications training, and many organisations’ L&D departments provide short videos on their products to support colleagues. Listen to Becky West from Ann Summers speak about how they’ve capitalised on this in Series 2 of the L&D Challenges Podcast.

Organisations can create their own videos or get employees involved in making user-generated content (UGC) to further learning. These can be uploaded to a Learning Management System or Learning Experience Platform for others to comment on and share. It helps to create a learning culture using social learning and a shared community of those interested in learning. Organisations can also use UGC to understand what employees want to learn more about and use this to inform L&D strategies and align them with organisational goals. 

TikTok-style learning increases engagement, and individuals desire convenient, short-form content. No matter how you label it – microlearning, short-form learning or social media learning – it’s here to stay. This approach can significantly contribute to employee empowerment by making learning more accessible and engaging.

Check out our TikTok-Style Microsoft offer here